Antimicrobial resistance jeopardizes many achievements of modern medicine, such as the ability to effectively treat infectious diseases or complete surgical procedures safely. Hospitals, alongside other inpatient facilities, make frequent use of categories of antibiotics which are most imminently eroding in effectiveness, the loss of which would have the most severe impact on health care systems (Sharland et al. 2018). They are thus at the forefront of the global effort to optimise the use of such antibiotics and sustain their effectiveness.
is an R package designed to support the
stewardship of antimicrobials in hospitals by facilitating the analysis
of routinely-collected electronic health records for:
is currently in development. The latest stable
version can be installed using the devtools
comes with synthetic data for testing and
training purposes. You can use it to create a demonstration DuckDB
database fully loaded with synthetic electronic health records on a
local drive. No need for a database server.
You are now able to query the database and visualise admissions and episodes of antimicrobial therapy timeline below.
When hovered for a few seconds, timeline symbols display a tooltip containing detailed information.
therapy_timeline(Patient(conn = ramses_db,
id = "99999999999"),
date1 = as.Date("2017-02-01"),
date2 = as.Date("2017-03-01"))
#> [1] "bridge_encounter_therapy_overlap"
#> [2] "bridge_episode_prescription_initiation"
#> [3] "bridge_episode_prescription_overlap"
#> [4] "dbplyr_001"
#> [5] "dbplyr_002"
#> [6] "dbplyr_003"
#> [7] "dbplyr_004"
#> [8] "drug_administrations"
#> [9] "drug_prescriptions"
#> [10] "drug_prescriptions_edges"
#> [11] "drug_therapy_episodes"
#> [12] "inpatient_diagnoses"
#> [13] "inpatient_episodes"
#> [14] "inpatient_investigations"
#> [15] "inpatient_ward_movements"
#> [16] "microbiology_isolates"
#> [17] "microbiology_specimens"
#> [18] "microbiology_susceptibilities"
#> [19] "patients"
#> [20] "ramses_tally"
#> [21] "ramses_tc_group"
#> [22] "reference_aware"
#> [23] "reference_icd"
#> [24] "reference_icd_ccs"
#> [25] "reference_icd_ccsr"
#> [26] "reference_icd_comorbidity"
#> [27] "reference_icd_infections"
Three main metrics are used to describe antimicrobial consumption in hospitals: Defined Daily Doses, Days on Therapy, and Length of Therapy. Definitions given by Stanić Benić et al. (2018) are reproduced below:
Formulae are available from Ibrahim and Polk (2014) along with a discussion of rates which can be derived from these metrics (eg per 1,000 admissions, per 1,000 bed-days). Statistical adjustment of these metrics is discussed by Santen et al. (2018) and Yu et al. (2018).
The approach to create tables of antimicrobial consumption follows three steps:
Consumption can be attributed to specialty based on the specialty of
the episode during which the antibiotic is administered. In this case,
the appropriate bridge table is
study_pop <- tbl(ramses_db, "inpatient_episodes") %>%
filter(main_specialty_code %in% c("100", "101", "300") &
discharge_date >= "2016-01-01") %>%
mutate(calendar_year = year(discharge_date),
calendar_month = month(discharge_date))
consumption_num <- study_pop %>%
left_join(tbl(ramses_db, "bridge_episode_prescription_overlap")) %>%
group_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, main_specialty_code) %>%
summarise(DOT_prescribed = sum(coalesce(DOT, 0.0)),
DDD_prescribed = sum(coalesce(DDD_prescribed, 0.0)))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(patient_id, encounter_id, episode_number)`
consumption_denom <- study_pop %>%
group_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, main_specialty_code) %>%
summarise(bed_days = sum(ramses_bed_days))
consumption_rates <- full_join(consumption_denom, consumption_num) %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(month_starting = as.Date(paste0(calendar_year, "/", calendar_month, "/01")))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, main_specialty_code)`
#> Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL aggregation functions.
#> Use `na.rm = TRUE` to silence this warning
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#> # Groups: calendar_year, calendar_month [6]
#> calendar_year calendar_month main_specialty_code bed_days DOT_prescribed
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2016 1 100 16.7 10.9
#> 2 2017 7 100 14.5 14.7
#> 3 2016 7 100 8.73 4.89
#> 4 2017 11 100 11.3 7.63
#> 5 2017 10 100 27.1 14.4
#> 6 2016 11 100 6.09 4.71
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: DDD_prescribed <dbl>, month_starting <date>
aes(x = month_starting,
y = DOT_prescribed/bed_days*1000,
group = main_specialty_code,
color = main_specialty_code)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b %Y") +
xlab("Month") +
ylab("Days of Therapy (DOTs)\nper 1,000 bed-days")
Alternatively, consumption can be attributed to the episode when
prescriptions are issued (authoring_date
field in
). In this case, the appropriate bridge
table is bridge_episode_prescription_initiation
. This
amounts to attributing antibiotic consumption to the initial
consumption_num_init <- study_pop %>%
left_join(tbl(ramses_db, "bridge_episode_prescription_initiation")) %>%
group_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, main_specialty_code) %>%
summarise(DOT_prescribed = sum(coalesce(DOT, 0.0)),
DDD_prescribed = sum(coalesce(DDD_prescribed, 0.0)))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(patient_id, encounter_id, episode_number)`
consumption_denom_init <- study_pop %>%
group_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, main_specialty_code) %>%
bed_days = sum(ramses_bed_days),
total_admissions = n_distinct(paste0(patient_id, encounter_id))
consumption_rates_init <- full_join(consumption_denom_init, consumption_num_init) %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(month_starting = as.Date(paste0(calendar_year, "/", calendar_month, "/01")))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, main_specialty_code)`
aes(x = month_starting,
y = DOT_prescribed/total_admissions*1000,
group = main_specialty_code,
color = main_specialty_code)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b %Y") +
xlab("Month") +
ylab("Days of Therapy (DOTs)\nper 1,000 admissions")
Length of Therapy is the time elapsed during a prescribing episodes
(sequence of antimicrobial prescriptions separated by at the most 36
hours by default). To measure it, the bridge table
is available. It calculate
the total LOT during between admission and discharge (excluding
to-take-home medications).
length_therapy_by_encounter <- study_pop %>%
distinct(patient_id, encounter_id, admission_method) %>%
left_join(tbl(ramses_db, "bridge_encounter_therapy_overlap")) %>%
group_by(patient_id, encounter_id, admission_method) %>%
summarise(LOT = sum(LOT, na.rm = T)) %>%
length_therapy_by_encounter %>%
group_by(admission_method) %>%
`Total admissions` = n(),
`Total admissions with therapy` = sum(!,
`Mean LOT` = mean(LOT, na.rm = T),
`Median LOT` = median(LOT, na.rm = T),
percentile25 = quantile(x = LOT, probs = .25, na.rm = T),
percentile75 = quantile(x = LOT, probs = .75, na.rm = T)
) %>%
`Admission method` = case_when(
admission_method == 1 ~ "Elective",
admission_method == 2 ~ "Emergency"),
`Total admissions`,
`Mean LOT`,
`Median LOT`,
`Inter-quartile range` = paste0(
formatC(percentile25, format = "f", digits = 1),
formatC(percentile75, format = "f", digits = 1)
) %>%
knitr::kable(digits = 1)
Admission method | Total admissions | Mean LOT | Median LOT | Inter-quartile range |
Elective | 46 | 4.3 | 3 | 0.9-5.3 |
Emergency | 160 | 4.5 | 3 | 1.6-6.1 |
To measure rates of prescribing by antibiotic class or AWaRe category, the query design is different because different dimensions are sought for the numerator and denominator.
Unlike before, this task takes three steps:
consumption_aware_episodes_num <- tbl(ramses_db, "drug_prescriptions") %>%
select(patient_id, prescription_id, ATC_code, ATC_route) %>%
left_join(tbl(ramses_db, "reference_aware"),
by = c("ATC_code", "ATC_route")) %>%
select(patient_id, prescription_id, aware_category) %>%
left_join(tbl(ramses_db, "bridge_episode_prescription_overlap")) %>%
inner_join(study_pop) %>%
group_by(calendar_year, calendar_month, aware_category) %>%
summarise(DOT_prescribed = sum(coalesce(DOT, 0.0)))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(patient_id, prescription_id)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(patient_id, encounter_id, episode_number)`
consumption_aware_episodes_denom <- study_pop %>%
group_by(calendar_year, calendar_month) %>%
summarise(bed_days = sum(coalesce(ramses_bed_days, 0.0)))
consumption_aware_episodes <- left_join(
) %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(month_starting = as.Date(paste0(calendar_year, "/", calendar_month, "/01")),
aware_category = factor(aware_category,
levels = c("Access", "Watch", "Reserve")))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(calendar_year, calendar_month)`
aware_colours <- c(
"Access" = "#1cb1d1",
"Watch" = "#008ab1",
"Reserve" = "#ff9667"
aes(x = month_starting,
y = DOT_prescribed/bed_days*1000,
group = aware_category,
color = aware_category)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b %Y") +
scale_color_manual(name = "AWaRe category",
values = aware_colours) +
xlab("Month") +
ylab("Days of Therapy (DOTs)\nper 1,000 bed-days")
Always remember close database connections when you are finished.
DBI::dbDisconnect(ramses_db, shutdown = TRUE)